This is a solution for a , some without swap of some machine setup without swap where you need swap for something without wanting to fiddle with the drive partitions or so.

This is a quick and dirty „short manual“ for based environments (such as , or ).

First run this:

cat > << EOF
apt-get install dphys-swapfile
echo "CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048"|tee -a /etc/dphys-swapfile
dphys-swapfile setup
dphys-swapfile swapon
systemctl restart dphys-swapfile.service
systemctl status dphys-swapfile.service
free -h

This will just create a short with the needed commands to run to get setup and running. Please alter the number 2048 to your need, it is the size of the swap memory that will be setup. The size of the swap should most likely by equal to the real memory installed, sometimes twice the size seems to be a good choice too.

If you don’t know your memory size you can find it out by running the command „free -h“, which will print the size of the physical memory installed and the below this the swap size(s).

After pasting the above code into your shell, which will create a file called „“ in the current folder (you should be in your home folder!!), you need to make the shell script „“ executable by running:

chmod +x

Then you need to run the script like this:

sudo ~/

It will ask for some confirmation(s) to install certain packages.

The last commands will output the status of the systemd service „dphys-swapfile.service“ and the last line will show you the memory and swap size again.

In the script above I use „up“, my full update of the system. I just blogged that one too, have a look here.

How to add a swap drive to your system, in this case I did this for a virtual machine (qemu) running Arch Linux.

See at the bottom for information about the virtual drive for qemu.

List current available to system disks:

sudo blkid

List all disks:

sudo lsblk

Format as swap:

sudo mkswap /dev/vdb

gives back the UUID

Now the new swap disk will be shown when executing this again:

sudo blkid

(also give the UUID)

Take the UUID from above and add an entry in /etc/fstab like this:

echo "UUID=56445300-90f5-40b4-860b-99037d0e8aad none swap sw 0 0" |sudo tee -a /etc/fstab

Actiate available swap disks, ie. from fstab or on GPT volume.

sudo swapon -a

Check the swap is available now:

sudo swapon --show

The qemu image I created as „raw“, VirtIO and set the cache mode to „writeback“, this should be fine for swap while being fast too. See explanation here and here.

I also looked at this information about how to add a swap disk.

As always, give me your feedback, I will add information that can help in the future.